Who is Katia Laura Sidali ?
Dr. Katia Laura Sidali is associate professor in the area of Economics and Rural Appraisal. She obtained her PhD in International Cooperation and Policies for Sustainable Development at the University of Bologna in co-tutelle with the Georg-August University of Goettingen (Germany) in 2009. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the following scientific journals (since 2019): International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Journal of Global Business Insights, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and The International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal (since 2012).
Member of relevant national and international scientific and academic entities for the disciplinary area, such as: Italian Society of Agri-Food Economics (SIEA) and European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) as well as the Tourism Research Discussion List (TRINET). She works as a reviewer in various international scientific journals, such as: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Food Research International, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and others (please refer to PUBLONS).
Her main research interests are: *cellar door and food tourism* •rural development and tourism* • agribusiness and agri-food marketing;
Her main publications are placed in international journals indexed SCOPUS / ISI, mainly in the following subject categories: Business, Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Agriculture, Environmental Science. In 2018 she was awarded the Best Paper Award of the Food Economy magazine (with Filaretova and von Meyer-Höfer). She was director and scientific coordinator of several research projects in the field of agro-food marketing in both Italy and abroad.