Who is Jens Thraenhart ?

Dr. Jens Thraenhart has over 25 years of international travel, tourism, and hospitality experience. In 1999, he founded Chameleon Strategies, an Affiliate Member of the World Tourism Organization, advising tourism organizations and travel businesses how to leverage digital engagement to drive sustainability.
Previously, he co-founded leading [People’s Republic of] China] travel marketing agency Dragon Trail and headed up the marketing strategy and digital departments at Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, Canadian Tourism Commission, and Dusit International. Jens currently leads the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office as its Executive Director, where since 2014 he has spearheaded several award-winning sustainable tourism initiatives, and chairs the private-sector led Destination Mekong framework, operating award-winning initiatives such as the Experience Mekong Collection, Mekong Moments, the Mekong Mini Movie Festival, the Mekong Innovations in Sustainable Tourism program (MIST), and Mekong Heroes. Passionate about visual storytelling, he founded the Destination Film Forum. Mr. Thraenhart has been recognized the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association (HSMAI) as one of the Top 25 Most Extraordinary Minds in Travel and Hospitality. An MBA graduate of Cornell University, he is currently a Doctorate in Tourism candidate at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.