Who is Anna Cipparro?

Storico dell’arte, Dottore di ricerca.Progettista culturale, Direttore Museo,Responsabile attività educative per scuole, famiglie e Musei. Consigliere Regionale ICOM, Commissione Nazionale per il SMN, CDA Parco Archeologico Sibari.

Author of the research and contents of the multimedia Museum Consentia Itinera, she is responsible for the the scientific project, programming, teaching (online and in presence), communication and, extending activities to the wider Villa Rendano project, the strategic planning of fundraising and Inter-institutional relations. She defines the educational plan, the accessibility plan and the communication plan;  as well as the events and the relations with the territory and with the public. Anna Cipparrone promotes the concept of front-line director and the social role of the museum as a defense of legality, democracy and civic awareness.

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