Bill Carter

Professor Bill Carter Prior to his research appointment with the SRC, Bill was discipline leader for USC’s Environmental Science program, which included the postgraduate Masters by Coursework program for Climate Change Adaptation. When at the University of Queensland he was responsible for their environmental tourism programs at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Before entering academia, Bill worked as a consultant to the three levels of government and international NGOs in the areas of tourism and conservation management, and at a senior administration level in park management with the Queensland Government as the first interpretative officer for the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Director of Brisbane Forest Park, and of Parks, Lands and Recreation for the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works.
Bill was responsible for the legislation drafting instructions for the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and has been called as an expert witness for Commissions of Inquiry in NSW and Queensland.
He has led numerous research projects relating to heritage resource management (lead or co-chief Investigator on over A$5m of competitive research grants).
Dr Carter has published over 100 scholarly articles in this area.
Bill has been responsible for course development in Public Administration, Park Interpretation, Environmental Problem Solving, Recreation Resource Management, Ecotourism, Tourism Planning, Recreation, Tourism Product Development, Contemporary Case Studies and Sustainability courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
He has ‘graduated’ over 35 postgraduate students by research, from honours to PhD level. Bill has given keynote addresses or invited seminars in Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, China, Canada, Thailand, Cambodia and across the South Pacific.
Bill is Co-Editor of the ‘Australasian Journal of Environmental Management’.