Who is Sharon Parris-Chambers ?

Ms. Sharon Parris-Chambers is the Co-founder and President for PanaCarib Business Solutions, headquartered in Jamaica. It is a Tourism/Health & Wellness marketing communications company that has focused competencies in: Marketing/Public Relations and Health & Wellness Consultations, News production and distribution via news portal Caribnewsroom.com

A leader in the development of Health Tourism, Sharon was instrumental in helping to establish Jamaica as a Health & Spa destination (2005-2009) through working collaboratively with Jamaica’s Ministry of Tourism and its agencies (Tourism Product Development Co. and Jamaica Tourist Board); Jamaica Promotions Company (JAMPRO) and the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC).  Sharon and her partner, Theo Chambers were the founders of the first Spa Association in Jamaica, Caribbean Resort and Day Spa Association and the Caribbean Chapter of the International Medical Spa Association. Sharon is a former V.P. of the Spa Standards Steering Committee and has been recognized by Tourism Product Development Company and the Bureau of Standards Jamaica for leading the Spa standards development, which has been approved for implementation in Jamaica and thereafter in the wider Caribbean through CROSQ, the regional standards body.

She has been selected by the Cabinet to serve on the Jamaica Health & Wellness Task Force for Health Tourism development. Sharon is listed in International Health Tourism Who is Who. In the capacity of Co-founder, Co- Producer and Convener of “Caribbean Health Tourism & Spa Symposium” Annual Wellness Trade Show, Jamaica, which was inaugurated February 7 & 8, 2005, Sharon and her partner and husband Theo Chambers became trailblazers of the development of the emerging Health & Wellness industry.

Sharon and Theo received the mandate from former Minister of Tourism (Jamaica), Aloun Assamba, in 2005, to pioneer the way in establishing health & wellness tourism as a mainstay in Jamaica and to help brand the Caribbean as a Health & Spa destination.

Sharon and Theo Chambers, Co-founded and lead the first Caribbean Chapter of the Resort & Day Spa and International Medical Spa Associations, Caribbean Chapters on February 7, 2005 in an official launch ceremony, sponsored by The Ministry of Tourism and its Agencies. It was through this initiative that that we were invited to the Inter-American Development Bank Conference & Symposium held in Washington D.C. to help chart the course of Wellness Development. Our partner ‘the late’ Eric Light and Hannelore Leavy attended on our invitation. Eric Light challenged me to lead the Spa Standardization development in Jamaica. I took the challenge and the rest is history.

In 2008-2010, The Caribbean VeggieFest brand was launched and added to the Health & Spa Conference to further widen its scope and awareness of the growing industry. The focus was placed on Health, Spa, Wellness & Cuisine.

Co-Host and Producer, Caribbean Tourism Roundtable, an award-winning Radio Feature, 2003-2004 showcased on Power 106 FM Radio. Received award in St Lucia from St Lucia’s Minister of Tourism. Being in the Media gave us a unique platform to promote wellness and showcase the movers and shakers in the wellness and hospitality industries.

Currently, Appointed Roving Ambassador January 2021 by the State of African Diaspora (SOAD) domiciled in Jamaica and assigned to Emergency Response System Division. Responsibility to represent SOAD, Explain its philosophy and Help to implement its programmes of action.

Author of Living Life as a Sacred Practice: Discover Yourself as a Sacred Practice  (Chambers, S. 2019)

Living Life as a Sacred Practice is the author’s response to

many years of learn various methods of unifying

mind, body, and spirit. She has captured the essence of

life and greatness in this book with the inclusion of many

practices to develop spiritual mastery.

She shares these practices with readers seeking spiritual development.

She has expanded her focus on self-mastery with this new

book, which asks the reader to come up higher to Divine

Mind to find their purpose in life and to live that purpose.

A devotee of Dr Wayne Dyer, following his work during his

life, she has transformed her life with the power of intention

and practice. She now shares these practices with others.

The book is a tribute to Dr. Wayne Dyer one of her most

influential mentors. (www.Balboa Press, 2019)


  • Bernard M. Baruch College, City University of New York, NY
    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology; Minor in Business Administration

            Distinction: Magna Cum Laude


  • Honorary Bachelor of Divinity Degree, Universal Brotherhood Movement, USA


2015   ITEC Level 3 Diploma Holistic Massage Course facilitated by PBHC School Inc.,
           based in Barbados and taught in Jamaica.  ITEC is a globally-recognized
           UK accreditation examination board. Graduated March 14, 2015 with Merit.

            Certificate for Pranic Healing Energy therapy

            Certificate for Reiki Healing – Level 2


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