Who is Dababrata Chowdhury?

Dr. Dababrata Chowdhury at Anglia Ruskin University and COO in Truefeedback Application Technologies.

He graduated in Computer Science and Engineering (BSc) from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey and then completed his MBA and PhD at the University of Plymouth, UK. In addition, he is an innovator in the Higher Education (HE) sector, highly creative, an expert in finding solutions, specialising in SimvemtureRevelation, employability and entrepreneurial development for students.Dr Chowdhury has over 16 years’ experience in the HE sectors, with 8years in outward facing programme running and development roles. During this time, he has developed a fundamental, holistic knowledge of universities and how to form mutually beneficial, strategic, university connections with industry partners and local communities from across the globe.  

Currently, Dr Chowdhury is the associate editor for the Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research Journal and an editorial board member for International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP) and Co-editor in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Inquiries. He has published over 30 papers in refereed academic journals, conference proceedings, book chapters, and magazine articles. Dr Chowdhury has an associateship with the Cambridge Central Asia Forum, Jesus College at the University of Cambridge.

He can speak and communicate in English, Turkish (Turkey), Hindi (Indian), Bengali (Bangladeshi), Azeri (Azerbaijan) and Urdu (Pakistan). He has a wide professorial track record, contributing to academic excellence through industry partnership, professional practice and research output and I have student-centred personality.

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