
Virtual Conference: Romance, Sex, Relationships in Travel & Tourism. With Expert panel from Social Science & Tourism Scholars

Picture of Dr. Birgit Trauer

Dr. Birgit Trauer

Leisure, Travel & Tourism Social Psychologist, Australia

Picture of Dr. Liza Berdychevsky

Dr. Liza Berdychevsky

Assoc Prof. Health & Well Being in Leisure. University of Illinois, USA

Picture of Dr. Julia Meszaros

Dr. Julia Meszaros

Assoc Prof & Graduate Coordinator for Sociology. Texas A&M University, USA

Picture of Dr. Ieva Stoncikaite

Dr. Ieva Stoncikaite

Researcher at University Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, Spain

Picture of Dr. Oscar Vorobjovas Pinta

Dr. Oscar Vorobjovas Pinta

Senior Lecturer University of Tasmania
President of ANZALS, Australia

Picture of Dr. Moji Shahvali

Dr. Moji Shahvali

Social Scientist, Breda University
The Netherlands

Picture of Dr. Xavier Matteucci

Dr. Xavier Matteucci

Lecturer & Honorary Professor
FH Wien, Austria

Picture of Dr. Reza Soltani

Dr. Reza Soltani

Creator & Director 
Institute of Tourism, Belgium

Speakers PowerPoint:

Virtual Conference Romance, Sex, Relationships in Travel & Tourism With Experts from Social Science & Tourism Scholars.

Come and join our panel of international speakers who will shine a light on agendas not commonly considered in the context of travel and tourism.

This virtual conference aims to awaken curiosity and view romance, sex, and relationships from different perspectives. It is akin to a mini journey of touch points that highlight ways to contribute to healthy relationships, happiness, health, and well-being.

The presentations and discussions help us gain greater clarity of the interconnectedness of our inner landscapes and our outer worlds.

The speakers will share their views and understandings of how to strengthen romantic relationships, embrace the idea of inclusivity, and foster intimate connections that extend beyond the idea of sex.

Furthermore, gender and age perspectives will be presented that assist in demystifying stereotypes and biases that influence the interpretation and meaning of romance, sex, and relationships in travel and tourism, and society at large.

The sequence of the speakers will be as follows with a very short background as to their qualifications and research interests. Please visit their personal profile page on for their extended bios ………Read More →