International Webinar: Welcome to Saudi Arabia, discover the undiscovered. Umrah Plus.
Saturday, 22 January, 7 pm Makkah time
Webinar Program:
Webinar starts with the Saudi Arabia Anthem and promotional tourism video
Mr.Raed Habiss president and moderator of the conference opening remark
HRH Prince Abdulaziz Bin Nasser Al Saud welcome statement
Dr.Taleb Rifai; Speaking about world tourism and importance of Kingdom opening to international tourism. 5 minutes
Mr.Hisham Zaazou: Umrah travel and middle east historical destination. 5 minutes
Ms.Patrizia Gallo; The airline role within Discover the Undiscovered. 10 minutes
Mr.Fouzi Bondgy; Role of the travel agents to promote Saudi destination and selling tours to the Kingdom. 10 min
Mr.Mohammed Nafai; The role of Saudi destination management companies. 10 minutes
Mr.Abdul Latif Alafaleq; Saudi cultural and historical tourism. 10 minutes
Ms.Abir AbuSulayman; Jeddah 3000 years old city, historical tour . 10 minutes
Ms.Lina Al Qahtani; Women in Tourism. 5 minutes
Ms.Julia Feuell; Travel trade training and marketing. 10 minutes
Mr.Sherif Omar; Hospitality and tourist experience . 10 minutes
Q & A ; 30 minutes
Closing remarks by Mr. Habiss