Who is Yoni Shapira ?

Mr. Yoni is a ninth generation Jerusalemite, with UK citizenship, who has dedicated the last 45 years to tourism and the promotion of Israel as a destination by being a Tourist Guide and tourism project developer, entrepreneur and curator. These activities were done through his company L.H.S. – Landmark Heritage Services.
Over the past five years, Yoni has been the chairperson of Moreshet Derech – Israel’s Incoming Tourist Guide Association (MDTGU). The association has over 1500 licensed tourist guides who work the broad spectrum of tourism to Israel form religious pilgrimage tours of the Holyland for all faiths, to private family tours, business and media professional visits, diplomatic tours and all other interests.
At MDTGU we represent the guides (members and non-members) in all issues dealing with government affairs, participating in Parliament (Knesset) committee meetings and legislation, lobbying for social benefits and travel agent’s contractual agreements. We also conduct educational tours and assist guides under financial and psychological stress, as happened during the Covid tourism crisis and the current war against Hamas that we have been drawn in to.