
In the middle of a war, brought on by the brutal invasion of Ukraine, one might rationally think that there was no place for Tourism. In fact, this simply isn’t true, domestic travel still continues and with the positive mindset of young people it will be resumed in a bright post-war future.

This is why we are proud to announce the creation of a CFT Chapter in Ukraine. SUNx Malta has had 4 students on its postgraduate Climate Friendly Travel Diploma with the Institute of Tourism Studies Malta, for the past year and now they are starting their intern year as Chapter leaders. Our Ukraine students are all experienced Travel academics and practitioners and together we have organized a formal launch of the chapter that will take place online on 2nd November at 15:00 CET. We will hear from representatives of the Ukraine Government and Kiev Municipality as well as our new Chapter leaders, plus the Chair and President of SUNx Malta.

The aim of the Chapter is to build a growing community of like-minded, thoughtful Tourism-focused, climate activists who are networked across the world with other CFT Chapters. These Climate Champions will also encourage companies to join SUNx Malta’s CFT Registry where they can show their Climate Actions Plans.

Please submit your name and email address using the form below to join us for the launch event
