
Ms. Mariana Oleskiv
President of State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine

Dr.Taleb Rifai
Fmr. Secretary-General of United Nations World Tourism (UNWTO)

Prof. Marc Gopin
Director of Center for World Religions, Diplomacy & Conflict Resolution, USA

Prof. Geoffrey Lipman
President SUNx Malta,
fmr. Director IATA, UK

Prof. Jovan Popesku
President Centre for Responsible Tourism
President IIPT, Serbia

Mr.Philippe François
President of AMFORHT - Global official network of hotel schools & universities

Ms. Alushca Ritchie
President of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
South Africa

Mr.John McAuliff
Executive Director & Founder of Fund for Reconciliation and Development, USA

Ms.Gail Parsonage
President of IIPT Australia

Dr. Reza Soltani
Creator and Director
Tourism Webinar International