Picture of Ms. Mariana Oleskiv

Ms. Mariana Oleskiv

President of State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine

Picture of Dr.Taleb Rifai

Dr.Taleb Rifai

Fmr. Secretary-General of United Nations World Tourism (UNWTO)

Picture of Prof. Marc Gopin

Prof. Marc Gopin

Director of Center for World Religions, Diplomacy & Conflict Resolution, USA

Picture of Prof. Geoffrey Lipman

Prof. Geoffrey Lipman

President SUNx Malta,
fmr. Director IATA, UK

Picture of Prof. Jovan Popesku

Prof. Jovan Popesku

President Centre for Responsible Tourism
President IIPT, Serbia

Picture of  Mr.Philippe François

 Mr.Philippe François

President of AMFORHT - Global official network of hotel schools & universities

Picture of Ms. Alushca Ritchie

Ms. Alushca Ritchie

President of the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
South Africa

Picture of Mr.John McAuliff

Mr.John McAuliff

Executive Director & Founder of Fund for Reconciliation and Development, USA

Picture of Ms.Gail Parsonage

Ms.Gail Parsonage

President of IIPT Australia

Picture of Dr. Reza Soltani

Dr. Reza Soltani

Creator and Director
Tourism Webinar International