Who is Eugenia Wickens?

Professor. Eugenia Wickens is Chair of OTS Academy, Oxford UK, Editor-in-Chief, of the Journal On Tourism & Sustainability ISSN:2515-6780 and sits on the editorial board of several International Journals of Tourism. Her work adopts a critical perspective and reflects her research interests on tourism and sustainability.

She has given keynote addresses at national and international tourism conferences and contributed to tourism education planning exercises in several countries including Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Serbia, Greece, Ireland, and Turkey.

She is a widely published authority, and her substantial portfolio of research outputs comprises journal papers, book chapters and edited books. She has organised several conferences and Webinars and played a leading role in the OTS Webinar Series: After the Virus. She is currently Chair of the 11th International Conference on ‘Sustainable Tourism, Culture and Sports, Nepal, May 2022.

Professor Wickens has extensive teaching and PhD supervisory experiences in UK and abroad. She has a passion for travelling and has travelled to over 50 countries.

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