Tourism Creates Life

by Prof. Mokhlesur Rahman

 According to belief, we all know and believe that the Creator creates the soul. Science says that life is the protoplasmic activity of living body cells. On the other hand, according to our worldly materialism, the conscious body is the soul. ‘Prana’ (vital spirit) comes to earth in the form of a body and resides in the body. So it leaves the body. That is, body and soul are united in the temple of our body. This process exists in all animals including humans. But after acquiring body and soul, man creates his life with all the surrounding elements. Mankind has created life step by step by adding strength and action to all these elements.

The soul is an earthly force derived from an eternal force. This energy is transformed through various processes through tourism. Builds society and civilization with innovative activities that add color and happiness to life. Natural and man-made tourism elements are considered intimate elements of life to nurture the spirit into life. All the visible and invisible elements of tourism are scattered in every corner of the world, which creates peaceful solidarity among mankind.

When ‘Prana’ incarnates in the body, life begins to develop into various forms. Then the various elements of the earth began to give such a unique form that life became glorious and dignified. Tourism captures the lifestyle, rituals, customs, etc. of a cultural people and preserves it through the ages through practice. This is a complex tradition of human civilization.

Thus tourism gradually started to gain acceptance as a life practice and a subject of education. ‘Prana’ is responsible for transforming into life. In every religion and philosophy, life is mortal. Many belief systems tell us that life is reincarnated. But other believers perceive that it goes back to the Creator after leaving the mortal body. Life ceases as ‘prana’ dies. As life is devoted to action, it is prepared by actions and vows.



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