Bea Broda
Bea Broda
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Prof. Jennifer Chan
Prof. Jennifer Chan
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Sandy Dhuyvetter
Sandy Dhuyvetter
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Carol Perehudoff
Carol Perehudoff
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Debika Sen
Debika Sen
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Dr.Zélia Breda
Zélia Breda
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Rani Bachani
Rani Bachani
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Cassie De Pecol
Cassie De Pecol
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Event Overview
Welcome to Women’s Voices in Tourism, an International Forum that represents the collective voices of woman involved in every sector of the travel industry. This three-part series spans a diverse set of topics, all relevant to women involved in tourism, and especially in light of global pandemic recovery.
The first seminar will feature the presentations of only female speakers. We will hear from women with expertise on strategic economic planning, environmental sustainability and community activism, associations that support women, planning tours for women and traveling as a single female, and the responsible role the travel media must play in this. It will also address some difficult topics such as crisis management and the toll taken by human trafficking.
This international forum features senior leaders from across the global industry who are coming together to share, learn, challenge and progress their understanding of inclusion and ultimately success in the travel business. As every industry is chiming “re-set” as the world recovers economically and socially from a devastating pandemic, this is an ideal time to have these conversations.
Women’s Voices in Tourism is an innovative and collaborative forum dedicated to using travel and tourism as a force for good to empower all women, thereby improving conditions globally in an industry that affects every aspect of the world economy.

Sandy Dhuyvetter